Monday, September 24, 2007


I have been on a quest for the perfect shoe. I have dresses that require a pump or a slingback. They need to be not-too-high so I can walk for blocks. They need to be not-too-pointy so my toes aren't squished. They need to be not-too-round-toed so my legs are elongated.

But the heel needs to be high enough to give my calf that sexy lift that only a pump can give a woman.

That one's for the gents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I got an AMAZING pair at Shoephoria on Hudson St. that may fit this bill! They have a "hidden" platform so that the slope is very gentle, but the heel is high. Wicked awesome! Should I bring them to next session? Or you could stop by to see them. I hope they have them in your size!--Mary Ann