Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Passive choice

So the online dating site has me in a holding pattern at the moment. There are three guys I'm either corresponding with or trying to initiate correspondence with. Meanwhile, I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for responses. Passivity is not my friend.

I had to close one match when this decent-sounding guy said one too many times that he is very giving, but his needs must be met in a relationship as well. While that's a perfectly reasonable request, the repetition tells me he has had this issue in a past relationship and hasn't resolved it. Sometimes we don't realize what's between the lines when we write our profiles.

Thankfully, there's some social stuff on the agenda in the coming week and more chance for some organic encounters. I am also still admittedly curious about a particular man, but I'm nervous about my intuition on that score. Need to let it be.

I'm in thick of it. Yes, I am.

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